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House with exterior lighting
October 02, 2023

Ideas For Brooklyn Home Security Landscaping To Protect Your Home

Landscaping is an ideal way to bring beauty, function, and value to your property. But it can also affect your home’s security. Explore these Brooklyn home security landscaping tips and learn how to improve your home’s defense.

No. 1: Keep Your Yard Well Maintained

What impression does your yard make? A well-tended landscape with a mowed lawn, clipped shrubs, and defined mulch beds lets onlookers know you’re diligent about taking care of your surroundings. Conversely, untended grass and weeds show you’re inattentive to your yard and might not put a priority on your property’s security either. Don’t make your house a target by sending the wrong message.

No. 2: Cast Light On Your Brooklyn Property

Darkness is preferred by criminals because they wish to remain unseen. Don’t make it easy on them. Rather, install different lights throughout your landscape. You likely already use a porch light, but you should incorporate motion-activated options in other areas like your back door or close to your garage. Install solar lights along a walkway and accent lighting by certain features you would like to highlight. By doing so, you can cast light on potential hiding places while delivering a distinctive touch to your property. You may even set inside smart bulbs to come on when motion is discovered outdoors.

No. 3: Maintain A Clear Sightline

You ought to be able to see all aspects of your landscape from the interior. Keep shrubs and bushes lower than three feet so you don’t obstruct your perspective. If you’re buying new plants from a nursery, read the label to understand how large they may grow. Generally speaking, it’s wise to avoid hedges and taller vegetation, especially near entryways like your garage.

No. 4: Maintain A Close Watch With Surveillance Systems

Outdoor cameras are one of the best crime deterrents. Simply having them in sight is enough to discourage the bulk of possible intruders. Consequently, keep your outdoor surveillance easily seen but elevated enough so it can't be easily accessed. When you're not home, you can inspect real-time video streams via your convenient smartphone security app. As an added safety measure, alerts can be sent directly to your phone if your surveillance cameras discover suspect activity.

No. 5: Defensive Flora Works As Brooklyn Home Security Landscaping

Not many burglars will try to climb through a prickly plant to reach your ground-floor window. You’ll need to select plants appropriate for your area, but you could use rose bushes, dwarf bougainvillea, holly, and gooseberry bushes as defensive flora. Just keep in mind, plants must be under three feet tall if situated in front of windows, and if there are young kids in your house, they might not be the ideal choice.

Bolster Your Safety-Focused Landscape With A Home Security System In Brooklyn

An innovative home defense system from Secure24 Alarm Systems is the perfect complement to your Brooklyn home security landscaping. Our well-designed packages offer leading tools like exterior surveillance, automation, and control through vocal commands. In addition, our sign will look tremendous in your carefully groomed yard. Call (212) 553-6593 today and customize a system to your home’s specific requirements.